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Microskope - Microdosing Cognitive Enhancer

MICROSKOPE opens the doors to your imagination and enhances your ability to reach your creative potential!


Increased Focus for longer periods, Enhanced Creativity, Mental Clarity and general sense of well being, Conceptual, Creative Thinking and Mood Enhancement.


MICROSKOPE allows you to experience the cognitive benefits of microdosing without the "trippy" effects, so you can retain focus while your creativity, mental clarity are greatly enhanced, while your flow state, mood and motivation are elevated.


Take 1 micropellet (1 microdose) with a glass of water every third day. Each package contains 10 micropellets, enough for 10 microdoses (1 month of microdosing).


1CP-LSD (10µg per micropellet)


Not recommended for use under 18. If pregnant, nursing or taking a prescription drug, consult your health care professional. Do not exceed recommended dose. Consumption may impair ability to drive or operate heavy equipment. Not recommended for consumption with alcoholic beverages. Do not take together with antidepressant medication. Do not use when you have a history of psychosis. Health Disclaimer
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Customers Reviews MICROSKOPE - Microdosing Cognitive Enhancer Share your experience


Took it 4h ago so I’m writing this text in the middle of my “experience”.
1h after intake, I started to feel spiky headache in my left part of the prefrontal cortex(responsible for analytical thinking, counting, languages etc.) but that went away after aprox 5min. Then started to feel heat all over my body followed by an extreme body-lightness as if I was floating in a cloud, thinking “shit is this really a microdose” 😅because the body feeling was very strong( comparable to when you’re on mushrooms ) All of that happened as I was riding my bike. By the time I arrived home I felt overwhelmed by the strong feeling of
“matt-ness”, sort of Apathy. I didn’t know whether I was thirsty, hungry, tired, awake nor knew I what I wanted to do. So 0 creativity, but very calm and without worries at the same time....(still wondering how this can be a microdose)

By now my concentration/focus is equal 0 ( I’m writing this text since an hour now 😂) So in my case I defo wouldn’t take it at work.
I wish this trip would take a turn now to where I feel inspired, creative or more “tuned-in”...My boyfriend is coming home from work soon, so hoping maybe then the experience will take a turn where I can have some interesting conversations. Lets see if he notices smth 😄



C'est top !!!
Ma première commande lors du 1er confinement, 1 semaine pour la livraison, j'en suis à la 4ème et c'est toujours nickel.
Suite au décès de mon épouse, j'ai eu du mal à remonter aussi je me suis intéressé au micro dosage. Une cure de micro pointe durant trois mois l'été passé et c'était vraiment un bon soutien. Par la suite j'ai commandé des champ magiques que j'ai pris en pleine nature dans la forêt; j'ai pu durant la cérémonie chamanique larguer les derniers poids de ma vie passée.
Je n'ai pas encore testé les derniers champs mais je le sent bien, ça sera encore de l'ordre du rituel.
Pensez que les plantes sont nos amis et sont là pour nous aider à avancer dans notre réalité en demandant des conseils dans une autre !!!!
Profitez "sagement" de vos commandes;
ps: il y a parfois un supplément lors des livraisons, merci Shayana

Wow...The first day I took it, I felt like I have a fresher capacity of memorization, like the one I had as a child. My creativity level was higher but my interests merged on philosophy. I welcomed intuition and she helped me understand what's the meaning of death.


Love the micro 1CP

I feel happy, dynamic, creative and even find work interesting now. The energy level is higher, i almost feel 16 again in mind.

This is one product here, which works exactly as describes. Perfect, I highly recomend for regular days to make your life easier and more prosper ;-)

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